A mass vaccination program in 2131 results in people turning deaf. The severity and extent of the event forces countries to rip up their borders and unite in the mission of creating a new, deaf accessible society. That society and nation is named Norden.
Setting of Story
Hearing habitants have increased in numbers over the years and are starting to question the government for not including them in the society of Norden. At the same time, a resistance movement and political faction named the Founders are established, determined to not let the hearing people take over their deaf country. People are afraid of civil war.
Right after the Founders presidential election win in 2350, a bomb detonates at the Parliament building, rooting a strong distrust of hearing people by the deaf. Hearers are abducted and captivated in the name of the nation's safety, resulting in them fleeing their homes to join guarded hearer shelters. The shelters eventually join forces to take down the Founders and government.
Dialogue sample
A conversation between the two deaf friends Blue and Violet, discussing the latest hearer abduction.
Someone waves their hand in front of my blurred out vision and my eyes drift up from the water. I know that bright smile, always accompanied by worried eyes these days.
“Violet, how are you?” I smile and stand up to give her a hug.
Violet embraces me tightly and I scent her old-lady-perfume she insists on wearing despite her age. I’ve grown to like it though.
“Good, what are you doing here?” she signs and looks out at the park. “Are you here alone?”
“Yeah, I just walked by on my way home and my legs felt sore so…” I pat my leg and sign.
It’s an excuse, but when it comes to my body being weak she’d buy just about anything.
“Well in that case–” Violet grabs my hands and sits back together on the bench with me. She releases me and her bright smile fades to match her eyes. “Did you learn about Martin? You know the one in the law programme?”
Another knot adds to the ones in my stomach.
“He’s gone too?”
Violet nods.
“Apparently he didn’t show up for an exam yesterday. Considering what it takes for a hearer to even get in I doubt he would just not show.”
The police have begun taking hearers from their homes. The Founders claim it’s just for questioning regarding the bombing but considering the expanse of it, it seems odd. At least a hundred people have been taken away, and none of them have come back.
“How many hearers are they going to take?” I look at Violet as if she would have an answer and she just shakes her head.
“I know,” she signs.
“Can’t we do something?”
Violet doesn’t even bother to reply.
“I’m serious! There must be something,” I continue. “What about the hearer shelter? Maybe we should try to find it and help them out!
“What do you mean?” Violet tilts her head and looks at me dully.
“There’s this rumor going around about hearers seeking refuge in a hidden hearer shelter–”
“I know,” Violet interrupts me, “I’m saying, what do you mean that we would help them out?” she signs and looks me through with an icy stare.
I’m at a loss for words at her reaction and just stare back in answer.
“You really think that the hearing would want help from us two deaf girls with something we know nothing about? They obviously want nothing to do with the deaf if they’re hiding out,” Violet signs big and her cheeks start to fluster. “If we would show up at that shelter they’d probably kill us.”
“I just mean that they’d probably need us deaf to–” I begin but don’t get to finish before Violet interrupts me again.
“What’s this even about for you? Improving your poor self image by getting praise from the outcasts? You just–'' Violet stops herself mid sentence, clenching her fists. “Whatever,” she fills in and shakes her head.
Fist clenching didn’t help, she signed enough.
“We don’t even know if that shelter exists in the first place,” she eventually adds and turns her face towards the park to end our conversation. I turn as well and we sit side by side, looking at the pond together. After a while I dare a subtle look her way and detect her expected bitten lip and crossed arms. I pat her shoulder and she faces me.
“How did your seminare go?” I ask.
I nod supportingly.
“For me at least,” she therefore decides to add.
I answer with a confused face.
“I just can’t believe how it’s not common sense at our age to be able to form a decent opinion. Half of their arguments didn’t even make sense.”
Violet is insanely smart despite failing to realize it. She’s just always amazed about how stupid everybody else is.
“I bet.”
Violet nods a couple of times, eyes drifting as if she’s contemplating. She directs her eyes back to mine.
“Look, I didn’t mean to get annoyed about the hearer shelter stuff,” she signs.
“I just know how once you get an idea about something, nobody can get you out of it.”
I cock my head, and she goes on.
“And that’s normally a good thing you know, but not when that idea is something I don’t want you to do,” she signs and smirks lovingly. “I’m just worried, that’s all.”
“I know.”
“If there was anything we could do to help the hearers I’d be the first in line, you know that. I just don’t believe there is.”
“I know.”
“Good.” She searches my eyes with her own for a while to make sure I’ve accepted her apology. Once she is–sure–she’s ready to switch subjects. “Alright so what else is new?”
“I’m going to a party tomorrow,” I sign after a bit of thinking.
“Is it at your moms house?”
“No, a party.” I almost laugh at how well she knows me.
Violet puts her one hand to her chest and gasps dramatically.
“An actual party, that’s nice.”